During January of each year I usually spend some time in reflection and evaluation of my prior year. It almost always takes me a few weeks depending on what I’m going through and this year I’m reminded of promises God has made me throughout 2017 in my prayer times. When times were dark and muddy or seemingly not going like I was so sure months prior things would be unfolding, I’ve found strength in those journal entries, notes I’ve jotted down in my phone and in the boundaries of my bible. The quiet times I’ve spent before the Lord sometimes with tears streaming down my face from fear and other times with adoration and praise. It’s important to remind yourself of what God has spoken to you and re-evaluate what it takes to walk out obedience to those words. I’d even encourage you to write out goals and specific requests of the Lord for the year and be detailed about what you’d ask Him to do before the next January. I had three things for last year that I came across in my journal and if it wasn’t for my notes I’d forgotten. He was faithful for two and I know the third will come in His timing. I had to stop and praise Him for His amazing faithfulness. Be encouraged that His promise and His word has no clock ticking or expiration date. Be obedient, dig deep and steward your process… find the courage to be absolutely fearless and cling to His promises that you know He’s made to you.